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And you thought Nkandla was bad !

The thievery of Krynaauwslust | News24

Krynaauslust Vrede

Krynaauwslust is a 4400 hectare farm near Vrede in the Freestate. The
Freestate government has committed to spend R570 000 000.00 on a dairy farm
on Krynaauwslust through a BEE company named Estina.

Some of the expenses :
* R2.6 million for the gate
* R119 million for the actual dairy buildings
* R2.5 million for spanners and tools
* R6 million for dairy cows, etc etc.

According to a very glossy, drummed up report by the Freestate Premier, Ace
Magashule, Krynaauwslust will deliver 100 000 litres of milk per day out of
the 370 dairy cows they bought. Or to be exact : 270 liters per cow per
day. That is BLOODY AMAZIING! Because that is more than 10 times the
average that a dairy cow produces per day.
If you drive to Krynaauwslust right now, you would smell something in the
air. It is the carcasses of cows dying from hunger that are dumped in the
ravine on the farm. About 65 are dead already.

The BEE company is legit and registered to this address : Block A, Grayston
Ridge Office Park in Sandton.
When you pay a visit this address, you will find some other interesting
people also have offices in that block. Namely:

1. Duduzane Zuma: Our beloved president`s son.
2. Mabengela Pty (Ltd) : Our beloved Gupta family`s company.
3. Thsepo Magashule: Our beloved Freestate Premier`s son.

How much more blatant a reason do you need to impeach him?
This is shocking, but what can you and I do about it, apart from our vote ?

Let each of us pass these messages on a worldwide basis ; as the RSA cannot sustain this flagrant and blatant fraud ; theft ; robbery ; lies ; corruption and bullsh*t any longer by the ANC government !!!!

Source: http://www.news24.com/MyNews24/The-thievery-of-Krynaauwslust-20140410

Stadt Grabow, Simona Pries, Jan 2011

Stadt Grabow

Am Markt 1

19300 Grabow

Translation of  letter from Simona Pries, Jan 2011

It is very nice that you have sent me the written request.

The city Grabow had a large fire in 1725, which destroyed the available documents at that time.

A listing of houses and inhabitants  of 1627/28 in Grabow, reflect the names KREINOW, Christian (perhaps the grandfather of Daniel) and KREINOW, Jonas.

In the archived documents of 1766-1768 the names KREYNOU, Jochim and KREINOW (KREYNOW), Ernst Christian (carpenter) appear. The carpenter was married to Maria, born Wietingen. He died on the 7th March 1794. The records reflect KREYNOU and sometimes KREYNOW or KREINOW.

The registration office was established in 1875. Until then, it was only the church records.

Vir inligting oor Grabow, gaan na


Grabow rivier

Die dotjies

Magna Cornelius-Krijnauw (geb.1958) van Stellenbosch, skryf:

“My pa (Pieter Hendrik Johannes Krijnauw, geb. 1930, Advokaat en Lid van die Volksraad) is graf toe met die storie van sy “dotjies”. Hy het sy navorsing gedoen en was oortuig dat die “y” in Krynauw ‘n deelteken moet kry en ÿ of ij moet wees.

Ons weet tog ook dat die skeepsregisters deur die Hollanders geskryf is en dat hulle baie van die Duitse vanne verhollands het of foneties geskryf het (veral wanneer die Duitsers nie kon skryf nie). Later met die oorname van die Britte het hulle weer die Hollandse vanne in registers/dokumente verengels en foneties geskryf.

Ek het in my navorsing verskeie spelvorme gevind….

Kraijnag Daniel, van Grabow

Kreijnauw Daniel, wat bougrond vra in Tafelvalley

Krijnouw Johannes, vra ‘n erf in Tafelvalley (hy was die man van Johanna Walters 1782, wat weer die weduwee van Pieter van der Westhuizen was)

Kreijnouw Christiaan van Drakensteijn, Kleine Houwhoek, wat grond vra by Reeboks Rivier, De Rust

Krijnaauw Christiaan, voorleser en skoolmeester, vra ‘n erf in Stellenbosch. Hy vra later nog ‘n deel wat grens aan sy erf. Dan meld hul Krijnauw vra nog ‘n stuk aan sy vergrote erf.

In telefoongidse in Duitsland het ek nog nie ‘n Krijnauw of Krynauw gevind nie, maar wel Crijnauw en Craijnauw.

Ek berus daarby dat my pa oortuig was dat dit ‘n ij moet wees en vandaar is dit so gebruik. In ons almal se ID’s staan dit ook so.”

Daniel se handtekening.v01

As n mens na die stamvader se handtekening kyk, lyk dit of Magna se spelling dalk reg is.

De Marillac St Julien

Email from Lynn Ralph on 07/01/2011

Lynn Ralph.

San Peyre,

La Raffigne,

24520 Liorac-sur-Louyre.



They had six children and their daughter ANNA CATHERINA KRYNAUW (b 1867) is my GREAT GRAND MOTHER. She married  CARL GOTTFRIED MARIE de MARILLAC ST JULIEN.

I am writing a book about my family…..and as you know one’s family can involve a great many people but I am following my direct line but where interesting stories arise I am including those as well.

The de Marillac family has a long history and my story begins in 1350 in France.  When my husband retired in 2001 we came to live in France and are very happy here.  My research has never stopped and I met a group of Historians who also have an interest in the de Marillac family.  I showed them how the de Marillacs fled France to avoid certain death on the guillotine during the Revolution, the settled in Hesse, Germany and changed their name to von Marillac to disguise their origin because Germany was at war with France.  Three generations lived there and then 4 of sons left for the Cape and reverted to their name de Marillac.  They lived in Outdshoorn and Mossel Bay, farming ostriches.  That was when feathers were all the rage in Europe and they became wealthy exporting these feathers.  One of the brothers bought Fancourt farm and was one of it’s early owners.  At present I am in contact with Fancourt and they are assisting me as we work out the history of the place.

Several members of the de Marillac family ( one was the Marshall of France) were involved in the persecution of the Huguenots .  The Historians here found it ironic that after so many years we have a direct descendant from this family marrying a huguenot and of course I am referring to Johanna Jourdaan who married Daniel Krynauw in 1718.  Funny how the wheel comes full circle.

Some of the family went to the Argentine but that was much later in 1902/3.  Anna Catharina Krynauw who married Carl Gottfried Marie de Marillac had four children, one of them was Pauline Elizabeth my Grandmother.  Pauline married John Louis William Baumann ( my Grandfather).  After the Boer War there was much unhappiness among the Boers and John Louis went to the Argentine and negotiated land from the government.  They were granted land in Chubut and several ship loads of Afrikaaners left in 1902 1903 and 1905.  They formed new settlements and a new life.  Some stayed in Chubut and others moved further afield and some returned to SA.  I have made a study of this history.  My Grandfather stayed there and eventually died in the Argentine. My Grandmother returned to SA with her four children.   It is interesting that in 1912 they found large deposits of oil on their farms while they were drilling for water!  The government made sure that they had rights to the oil and the South Afrikaans didn’t become wealthy oil barons.

You may be wondering what a South African is doing in France….we lived in Umhlanga for 20 years and when my husband retired in 2001 we bought a  300 year old farmhouse here.  Our four sons are in Australia, Virginia US, London and Cape Town!

Siberia &  Kyrgyzstan

Translation of letter dated 22 August 2010 from:

Sergej & Elena Kreinow,



We were very surprised to receive your letter.

Unfortunately we can not provide much information . We emigrated to Germany 14 years ago and know very little about our family.

My grandfather was originally from Siberia and my father emigrated with his family to Kyrgyzstan, after the 2nd World War.

Here in Germany there are many instances where the spelling of the last names have been changed.

You may be able to find the name without the “w”- Kreino .


Kommentaar van n kenner:

Krynauw Fam wapen 3“In terme van die reg bestaan daar slegs ‘n geregistreerde wapen van ‘n persoon, waarop geen ander persoon aanspraak mag maak nie, op voorwaarde hy het dit laat goedkeur en wettiglik op sy naam by die Buro van Heraldiek registreer. Dit kos ongeveer R8 000 vir al die prosesse. Sy oudste seun kan na sy dood die wapen erf en so dan weer aansoek doen om die wapen op sy naam te registreer. Sy broers moet dan egter hulle eie wapen ontwerp, laat goedkeur en registreer. As die oorledene nie ‘n seun het nie, erf sy oudste dogter die wapen, maar met ‘n aanpassing voor registrasie. D.w.s. mense met dieselfde van kan nie dieselfde familiewapen besit nie, en daar is geen familie wat wettiglik kan beweer hulle het ‘n familiewapen wat aan hulle behoort nie.”  Die voorbeeld van die wapen wat by Welkom verskyn, kom uit Pama se boek, wat dit weer gekry het uit die Krynauw-Bell versameling . Sien Geskiedenis/ DW Krynauw.  “Die wapen is nie onder enige indiwidu se naam by die Buro van Heraldiek registreer nie.

Daar is verder geen bewys dat stamvader Daniel ‘n persoonlike familiewapen gehad het nie. Indien hy egter wel een gehad het, is daar ook geen bewyse dat dit die een was in die Krynauw-Bell versameling is nie.  Indien ons teoreties aanvaar dat stamvader Daniel wel ‘n familewapen gehad het, het dit doodgeloop by sy kleinseun Daniel Jacobus, gebore 1763 (seun van Daniel), aangesien hy nie ‘n nageslag gehad het nie. Indien hy vroeg oorlede is, kon sy tweede broer Stephanus Johannes, gebore 1774 (ons voorvader) dit geërf het, wat beteken dat Timothy Krynauw (van die Zimbabwe Krynauws) vandag die enigste wettige houer van stamvader Daniel se wapen kan wees.”